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Should Abortion Be Legal?
in United States


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  • @CheckerbordStrangler

    I can understand that some people feel uncomfortable with late therm abortions, although I personally am not. Reducing their numbers is a noble goal as early abortions are much safer and less traumatic for the woman. 

    But then, if this is the goal (reducing late term abortions), every effort should be put into facilitating early abortions, but many states have implemented policies based on religious dogmas, which makes it harder to have an early abortion... The end result is more late terms abortions... 
    Well we're not really far apart here because I recognize that the overwhelming majority of late term abortions happen for some very very serious reasons, usually when a doctor realizes that something has gone very very wrong with the pregnancy. 
    Very few women just go and get a late term abortion just for the Hell of it. I do realize that it happens sometimes, but it is very rare.
    Most of the time it is because either the fetus is in extreme danger, or the mother is, or both.

    Yes, I do understand that the current feverish campaign to enact draconian laws is creating a lot of horrific unintended consequences. 
    But you and I both know that the people enacting these laws don't give a damn about those unintended consequences.
    "The Left ones think I'm Right, the Right ones think I'm wrong."
    ---Leon Russell, "Magic Mirror"

  • The Constitutional reason pregnancy abortion is illegal is the united state it creates between all woman. The equality is created a choice that doesn’t exist. Admit to a description saying you are committing murder or have a baby?

    Any woman involved in armed services has a pregnancy that is a possible attack by assault. An Armed service surgeon addresses any questionable pregnancy in areas of armed combat with female specific amputation. There is a considerable amount of stalling going on in reference to a women’s obligation to preserve the United States Constitution and create all woman as equal.

  • The simple answer: abortion should be legal to a certain extent @RyanHough
  • The simple answer: abortion should be legal to a certain extent @RyanHough

    Simple answer pregnancy abortion is legal, when presented in the right state addressing the principle that is uniting all woman as equal. All woman who admit they abort a child by not fertilizing an egg while in the process of ovulation are by truth and whole truth in fact having a legal abortion.

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